About Us

Welcome to Victory Health Care Services

Our years of experience and in-depth knowledge in delivering and support of mental health, early intervention, training, consultation and treatment services.

Who Are We

Victory Health Care services LLC is a health services Company located in Baltimore City, Maryland.  VHCS is accredited through The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) is a certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) through Baltimore City and the State of Maryland.

Our Mission

Victory Health Care Services LLC’s mission is to reduce and ultimately terminate the frequency and intensity of all forms of maladaptive and antisocial behavior and disorders among affected children and adolescents living in the Baltimore area and its surroundings. Accomplishing this will restore a greater awareness and self-esteem in the patient/client.

What We Do

VHCS offers the therapeutic rehabilitative services to children, adolescents and adults with severe emotional, psychological and behavioral problems.  VHCS will provide in office and out of office rehabilitative services to children in the Baltimore area and surrounding areas. VHCS will also offer training, educational counseling, and volunteer services in the community as needed.

Our history

Victory Health Care services LLC is a health services Company located in Baltimore City, Maryland. The company was founded in 2011 due to the need of Behavioral and rehabilitative services in the area and its surroundings. The company works under the licensure of the Maryland Department of Mental health and Hygiene (DHMH) and will adhere to all the laws and statutes regarding professional and social responsibility upon the provider.  Victory Health Care Services implement a program to assess individuals’ needs and provide the appropriate behavioral services needed.

The company cater to those within the city limits and the surrounding areas, with revenue generated from receipts paid by the Maryland Medical Assistance program. We accept referrals from the community, MHP, DSS, Parole and probation, Saint Vincent De paul, substance abuse agencies and any other Government agency that require our service.

Victory Health Care Services is a For Profit Limited Liability Company registered in Maryland that offers the therapeutic rehabilitative services to children, adolescents and adults with severe emotional, psychological and behavioral problems. Victory Health Care Services and presently located in the Baltimore City area of Maryland and is seeking certification from the State Department of Mental Health. Victory Health Care Services (VHCS) will provide in office and out of office rehabilitative services to children in the Baltimore area and surrounding areas. VHCS will also offer training, educational counseling, and volunteer services in the community as needed.  VHCS is accredited through The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) is a certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) through Baltimore City and the State of Maryland.

VHCS has an advantage over other competitors in Baltimore City due their desire and willingness to serve the under-served community with the professional experience the staff has acquired over the years, their dedication to the profession, and the continued acquisition of skills and knowledge through training and conferences.

Why choose us?

Our years of experience and in-depth knowledge in delivering and support of mental health, early intervention, training, consultation and treatment services. The programs we offer are listed below:

  • Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program (PRP)
  • Health Homes
  • Therapy Group   Practice
  • Medication Management.
  • Hospital sitters.  

Are designed to reduce functional behavioral impairments and develop and/or restore age-appropriate skills in a variety of areas, including:

  • Coping skills
  • Budgeting
  • Social/Interactive Skills
  • Anger Management Skills
  • Education
  • Hygiene and self-Care
  • Accessing Community Resources
  • Personal Safety
  • Maintaining Age-Appropriate Boundaries
  • Time Management
  • Self Care
  • Semi Independence skills

Behavioral Health Programs (BHP) are for adults with serious and persistent mental illness.

Services are provided onsite and offsite by trained psychiatric rehabilitation practitioners. Transportation to and from the facility is provided in the local area.

Beginning at enrollment and routinely throughout a member’s time at the BHP, skills are assessed to determine a member’s needs. If skills or resources are needed, staff is qualified to teach, provide, or access them. Rehabilitation is provided to all members through individualized meetings, educational groups, and organized social activities. For each member, individualized rehabilitation is provided in the environment of need as indicated by on-going assessments.

Employment is one of the most commonly discussed rehabilitation goals at the BHP and also how the client can be employers of labor. We support our members in accomplishing this goal by:

  • helping the individual choose the kind of work which best matches the member’s skills and abilities
  • teaching members how to complete an application, write a resume, and prepare for interviews
  • providing onsite work opportunities to develop and fine tune skills
  • connecting members with community resources that assist with securing employment
  • The BHP accepts medical assistance. If an individual does not have medical assistance, the state may make exceptions. Please call to discuss these circumstances prior to submitting a referral.
  • If you or someone you know is interested in joining the BHP, the one-page referral form must be completed by a licensed professional. Please review the informational letter before submitting.

These services are provided by licensed professionals such as Clinical Therapists and Social Workers. Therapy generally occurs weekly until sufficient progress has occurred to decrease the frequency of sessions. Anger and stress management, coping and problem-solving skills, social skills, improved self-esteem and self-control, improved familial relationships, and behavior management are among some of the common treatment goals worked on within the therapy sessions.

A treatment plan is developed in collaboration with the individual and parent/and or guardian.

  • ITP includes the individual’s diagnosis, presenting problems, needs, strengths, treatment expectations and responsibilities
  • Long term and short term goals in measurable terms and target dates for each goal
  • Criteria for successful completion of treatment and reasons for continuing treatment. A crisis response plan and baseline/progress on objectives

Medication services are provided as needed. These services include providing prescriptions, monitoring and patient education.

VHCS, LLC. Outpatient and our Intensive Outpatient Services focuses on the needs of each individual to provide a program that will not only meet their needs but will help them to take control and responsibility over their lives by taking a day to day, decision by decision approach. 

Target Population:

Adults:  26 – over

Young Adults:  18 – 25

Adolescents:  13 – 17


Adult  Outpatient Services Include:

  • Assessment and Intake
  • Individualized Treatment Planning
  • Individual and Group Counseling 
  • Family Counselling and Education
  • Intensive Outpatient Services (IOP)
  • Urinalysis Drug/Alcohol Screening
  • Continuing Care Planning and Placement

Adolescent and Young Adult Services Include:

  • Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Psychiatric evaluations
  • Individual, Family and Group Counseling
  • Standard Outpatient – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Intensive Outpatient and Group Counseling
  • Mental Health Therapies provided by licensed clinicians
  • Evidenced based cognitive behavioral and motivational enhancement approaches+
Youth Mentored
Clients Served
Lives in Baltimore Area
Licensed Proffesionals

Would you like to schedule a visit?

Contact our office to schedule a session today!